

Course Checkout Page

Learn how you can find the URL of a specific course checkout page on EzyCourse.

Import Quiz Questions 

Learn how to seamlessly import up to 500 quiz questions onto your platform from a CSV file.

Manage Survey Submissions

Learn how to see all the student responses you get from survey lessons in your course.

Manage Assignment Submissions

Learn to manage all the assignment submissions from your students.

Manage Quiz Submissions

Learn to manage quiz submissions from students on your platform.

Delete a Lesson

In this article, you'll learn how to delete a lesson inside any chapter of your course.

Delete a Chapter

In this article, you'll learn how to delete a chapter from your course.

Create Course Categories

Learn to create a course category and organize all your relevant courses in one place.

Tiered Course Pricing

This article introduces you to the tiered pricing plan and how to set it for your courses.

Subscription Course Pricing

This article introduces you to the subscription pricing plan and how to set it for your courses.

Split Payment Course Pricing

This article introduces you to the split payment pricing plan and how to set it for your courses.

PPT Lessons

Learn to create a new powerpoint slide or PPT lesson on the EzyCourse platform and see how it looks from students' perspective.

Share Lessons

Share lessons easily with your students in communities and groups.

Clone Chapters on EzyCourse

Learn how to clone a chapter or multiple chapters into another course

Add Lessons on EzyCourse

Learn how to create or add a new lesson to your chapter on EzyCourse

Add Quiz Questions

In this article, you'll learn how you can add questions to your EzyCourse quiz lessons.

EzyCourse Quiz Settings

Learn the different settings available to use for your quiz lessons.

Types of Quiz Questions 

Explore the 5 different types of questions you can make in quiz lessons on the EzyCourse platform.

Survey Lessons

Know about the survey lessons on EzyCourse. You'll learn to create a new survey lesson and the settings related to it.

EzyCourse PDF Lessons

Learn to create a new PDF lesson on the EzyCourse platform and see how it looks from your students' perspective.

EzyCourse Video Lessons

Learn to create a new video lesson on the EzyCourse platform. And also see how it looks from your students' perspective

Assignment Lessons

Learn to create a new assignment lesson on the EzyCourse platform and see how your students interact with assignments.

EzyCourse Download Lessons

Learn to create a new download lesson on the EzyCourse platform and see how your students interact with the lesson.

Live Lessons

Learn to create a new live lesson on the EzyCourse platform and see how it works in your course.

EzyCourse Quizzes

Learn to create a new quiz lesson on the EzyCourse platform and see how it looks from your students' perspective.

Add Chapters

In this article, you will learn how to add chapters to your course on EzyCourse.

Embedded Lessons

Show students external contents using the Embedded lesson on the EzyCourse platform.

Edit Course Landing Page

Learn how you can set a custom page as the landing page of your course.

EzyCourse Gamification

Learn how to set points, give rewards, and offer badges. This article teaches you about the exciting EzyCourse Gamification feature.

EzyCourse Grade Settings

Explore the grade settings feature and add useful marksheet and grading system to your course.

Customize After-Checkout Page

Learn how to set a custom page as the after-checkout page of your course.

Edit Course Info

In this article, you'll know how you can edit the different course information like course name, slug, image, descriptions.

Bundle Course 

In this article, we explore how to Create a Bundle Course on EzyCourse

EzyCourse Certificates

Learn how you can style, format, and customize certificates for your courses on the EzyCourse platform.

Motivational Popup on EzyCourse

Learn the EzyCourse special feature to motivate your students. Here, you'll learn how to create a motivational popup inside courses.

One-Time Course Pricing

This article introduces you to the one-time pricing plan and how to set it for your courses.

Course Drip Settings

Learn about course drip settings. Here, we discuss the three types of dripping option on EzyCourse.

Course Accessibility Settings

Learn how you can set the accessibilty settings for courses on the EzyCourse platform.

EzyCourse Audio Lessons

Learn to create a new audio lesson on the EzyCourse platform and see how it looks from your students' perspectives.

Lesson Settings

Learn the lesson settings and how you can use them on the different lessons available on EzyCourse.

EzyCourse Text Lessons

Learn to create a new text lesson on the EzyCourse platform and see how it looks from students' perspective.

Create a Course

Learn how to create a course on EyzCourse