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Types of Quiz Questions 

5 Types of Questions for Quizzes

You can make five different types of questions on EzyCourse. To see all five question types, go to a quiz lesson and click the Add questions button.

Select the subject you want to add questions to and then click Add new question button.

Here, you’ll see the 5 types of questions you can create.

Also read : Add Quiz Questions

One Correct Answer

Multiple choice question where users can choose only one answer. You can click the Add option button to give more options. Tick the Mark as Correct checkbox to mark the correct option/answer to the question.

Here’s how your students view and answer the “One Correct Answer” quiz question.

One or More Correct Answers

This is also a multiple choice question where you can add as many options as you like by clicking the Add Option button. But, the big difference is that in this type, you can mark multiple options as the correct answers.

Here’s how it looks from a student's perspective.

Free Text

All you have to do to create a Free Text question is give the questions and hit the Create button. Students can write freely the answer to the given question.

Here’s how your students view and answer free text questions.

Fill in the Blanks 

With this type, you have to use dots to imply the gaps or blanks. If you have multiple blanks, then click the New Answer button and add answers for each one sequentially. 

Students, when answering fill in the blanks, get separate boxes for each blanks.

True or False

Write the question and select if the answer is true or false, and it’ll work exactly like good old true/false questions. Here’s a student view of things.


[Note: For all question types, you can assign points and also give an explanation about which is the correct answer and why.]

Also read : Quiz Settings