
Category: Products on EzyCourse

Add Quiz Questions

How to Add Quiz Questions on EzyCourse

EzyCourse lets you create subjects and add questions which you can then use in your quiz lessons. In this article, we show how you can add questions to the quiz lessons of your course.

Add Questions Inside Quiz Lesson

To add questions right from the quiz lesson, go to your course and select the quiz lesson. If you are creating a new quiz then you will have options to add questions as soon as you click the Create button.

After creating, you’ll see two buttons at the bottom of the form, Add Questions and Generate Random Questions.

Click the Generate Random Questions button to add questions from subjects you have already created before. As the name suggests, it will select the number of questions given by you randomly from the selected subject.

Click the Add subject button to generate questions from multiple subjects.

To create a new subject and add questions to it, you can click the Add Questions button. If you already have created subjects previously then you’ll be able to see those as soon as you click the Add Questions button.

Regardless, for creating a new subject, Add Questions -> Create New Subject -> give a subject name and click Add.

Now, a new subject is created. Select the subject and then click the Add new question button on the top right corner of the screen to start adding questions to this subject. You can make five different types of questions for quizzes on EzyCourse.

[Note: You can also add subjects/questions from Question Bank under the Courses menu on your dashboard and can even import question files from the Import Questions menu.]

Related Article : Import Quiz Questions | Quiz Settings