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Category: Feature Updates

Offer Card-less Free Trial

What problem it solves or why you need it

With EzyCourse, you could give free trials to your users when selling courses and memberships. This feature allowed you to give free access to the users for a specific number of days.

But, your users still had to give the details of their card when getting the free trial access. Of course, many users would hesitate and are likely to not go forward when they see that card info is needed.

After hearing our users, we are happy to bring a solution. Now, you can offer free trials and your users would not have to give any card details. So, your students can sign up for the free trials without worrying or hesitating about putting in the payment card information.

How it works

Like before, you can offer free trials to your Courses and Memberships. From now on though, your students can start their free trial without any hassle of giving their card information.

As an admin, you can set the cardless free trial option from the pricing settings of the product. Then your students can start the free trial without having to give any card details. With a simple click of a button, they will get the free trial access.

As far as canceling the cardless free trial for students goes, everything works the same as the Free Trial feature.

[Note: Free trial and cardless trial both are available on the one-time and subscription product pricing plan.]

How to set up and get started using it 

You can set the free trial option for a product from the pricing page on your EzyCourse dashboard. On the pricing page, simply select the subscription plan and you’ll see the option to enable the free trial access.

[Note: To go to the course pricing page, go to Courses -> All courses from the left sidebar. And then Edit a course and go to the Pricing tab inside of the course.]

After enabling trial subscription, you can choose to allow cardless access. If you leave the “without card” toggle disabled then students will have to give card information. It’s up to you how you want to utilize it.

Then give the number of days you want to allow the free trial access, and create the pricing plan.

Here’s a view of the checkout page on the student-end, with the cardless option enabled. There’s no need for the students to give card information. All they have to do is click the Start Trial button to begin their free trial. 

For one-time plan, students can provide their card information from the Courses menu on their dashboard. Otherwise, the product will be canceled when the trial period ends.

For subscription plan, they can provide card information or cancel the subscription from the Subscription menu.

Providing the card info means the student is purchasing the product and will be charged.