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Category: Feature Updates

Advanced Fill in the Blanks & Table Matching

What problem it solves or why you need it 

EzyCourse provides the most comprehensive Quiz assessments feature. You can create quiz lessons, manage quiz submissions, send feedback, and even set different types of quiz questions.

Now, we are happy to give you the opportunity to add a new exciting question type in your quizzes. You can now add table matching questions, which will let you create tables and students will have to match the correct rows.

In addition, you can now easily create Fill in the Blanks using advanced features. With it, you’ll have more control over creating fill in the blanks.

How it works

Although we already had the “fill in the blanks” in quizzes, we’ve now added a more streamlined and advanced version. Now, you’ll have three buttons: Sentence, Blank, and Dropdown. You can simply click the buttons and make up your “fill in the blanks” question.

For table matching, you’ll have the luxury of naming two tables and selecting the number of rows for the tables. And then fill up each of the table rows with values. On the student-end, they’ll have to match the correct rows from both the tables.

How to use Advanced Fill in the Blanks 

To add advanced fill in the blanks, first go to the Question Bank menu under Courses.

Select a subject from the existing ones or create a new subject.

After you enter a subject, you’ll see a button on the top right corner to add new questions. Click it.

From the question types, select Fill in the blanks.

You can create the “fill in the blanks” question using three separate buttons.

Sentence: Clicking this button adds an empty field where you can write any text. It basically serves as the question.

Blank: Clicking this button will add an empty field where you write the answer for the blank. For students, this is the gap they need to fill. It basically serves as the answer. You can add more than one answer for the gap.

Dropdown: This does as the name suggests. It adds a dropdown field where you can add different options. Students can select the correct answer from the dropdown.

You can mark the correct answer from all the options just below the dropdown field.

As you are adding fields, you’ll be able to see how it looks in the Preview area.

Here’s how it looks for your students:

How to use Table Matching  

From the question types, select Matching.

Here, you have to first create the two tables. So, give the left and the right table names, and then assign the number of rows you need. Click the Create Table button.

Fill up the respective table rows with corresponding correct values. The rows will shuffle when the students are taking the test.

On the student-end, students can match by selecting from the two tables. Each matching will be highlighted in a different color.