
Category: Feature Updates

Tag Selection in Forms

We’re excited to introduce a new feature that allows you to select tags while making forms using EzyCourse Website Builder. Now, admins can add multiple tags to any form, enhancing your contact organization and future email campaigns!

What is It?

You can now assign tags when creating forms in the Website Builder. This will categorize the form responders easily by labeling them with the selected tags. Later, this makes segmenting and targeting specific audiences much easier for email campaigns.

And if no tags are selected while building a form, it still functions normally. By tagging responses during form creation, you’re essentially building a refined contact list without any manual sorting—saving you time and keeping things organized for when you're ready to launch your next email campaign.

How it Works

Previously, you needed to manually label the form responder with tags one by one. But now, selecting tags while building a form makes the whole process a lot easier and automatic. Once tags are assigned to a form, every submission is automatically linked to those tags, categorizing the responder based on the tags you've selected. This feature saves you a lot of time and allows you to create more personalized email campaigns. 

How to Get Started Using It

  • Log in to the EzyCourse dashboard.

  • Navigate to Website Builder > Pages. 

  • Here, you can either create a new page or select any existing page and start building it.

  • Drag the Form Builder widget on your page.

  • Select the form you need. If you dont have any form, create one. Check here for help.

  • Just below the Form Selection, you will find the option to select Tag. Here in a dropdown menu, your existing tags will appear. Just select the ones you need for the forms or leave them blank if you don’t want to use tags. You can create more tags if you need. Details can be found here.

  • To verify the automatic assignment, go to Marketing & Contacts > Forms & Contacts. Here, find your desired form and click on the Options (Three dots) button. Now, click View contacts response.

  • Here you can see the tags are automatically assigned to the responders.