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Category: Feature Updates

Introducing SCORM/HTML Lessons on EzyCourse!

We are thrilled to unveil an exciting new lesson type on EzyCourse: SCORM/HTML lesson! It's time to let you expand the range of content you can utilize on the platform. Now, provide your students with a more dynamic and interactive learning experience that goes beyond the typical text-based or static content.

With the new lesson type, you can include interactive elements like simulations and drag-drop activities. And ultimately, foster engaging and active learning experiences for students.

To add a SCORM/HTML lesson, you have to upload a zipped html file. If the zip folder contains more than one html file then you can select the one you want when uploading the zip folder into your gallery.

So, get ready to offer a more engaging and immersive learning environment, while increasing student involvement and understanding of the course material. Enjoy creating unlimited SCORM/HTML lessons on EzyCourse!

[Note: SCORM/HTML lesson will only be available for users on Pro and above plan.]