
Category: Feature Updates

Limit Student Login

What problem it solves or why you need it

Your course material is always in jeopardy of getting shared by enrolled students with other people. Instead of them buying your course and you getting the revenue from selling the course, many people could easily get free access.

One way to prevent such activities is restricting the number of login devices for a student. Now on EzyCourse, you can limit the login devices of a student, preventing them from sharing their accounts with others and ultimately protecting your course material.

This will help you to make it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to access your course materials.

How it works

As an admin, you will have the power to control the number of devices a student can log in from. Once you’ve set the limit, students cannot log in to more devices than the specified number.

For example, if you’ve set 1 device then they cannot log in to two devices. When they log in to another device then they’ll get automatically logged out from the first device.

[Note: Elite users can set a minimum of 1 device and Pro users can set a minimum of 3 devices.]

How to get started using it

Log in to your EzyCourse dashboard. Scroll down the left sidebar and navigate to Site settings -> General Settings.

Go to the Auth settings tab where you’ll see the device restriction feature at the top. 

Simply set a number in the “Number of Limit” field and this will apply to all the students on your platform. Don’t forget to click the Save button.