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Category: Feature Updates

Community Leaderboard & Gamification Badges

What is it & why you need it

EzyCourse gamification makes learning fun for your students. You can use gamification to assign points for certain activities and even reward badges to students.

The new Community Leaderboard feature will showcase a leaderboard inside the community listing the most interactive students. You can use it to encourage students to interact in your communities and create a more engaging learning environment.

Furthermore, you can now give out more attractive badges with different designs and styles. You will find a huge collection of default badges on your dashboard, allowing you to use the gamification feature more effectively on your platform.

How it works 

The Community Leaderboard comes under the community tab settings in your dashboard. Once you enable the tab, your students can view the leaderboard inside the community. 

The leaderboard is made based on the points you assign for the “Post to community” option in gamification. Students posting in the community will receive the allocated points, and in turn take their place on the Community Leaderboard list. 

You can also access the new collection of default badges from your dashboard. Adding a new badge, editing the default ones, and setting points for achieving a badge are all possible.

How to get started using it 

To show Community Leaderboard in a community, go to Products & Services -> Communities -> click the three dots on a community and select the Tab Settings option.

Scroll down to find the Leaderboard tab. Toggle it on and click the Save button. 

This will add the Leaderboard tab in your community. 

Ensure you set the points for the “Post to community” option from Site Settings -> Gamification menu. 

Now, students will get on the leaderboard list when they post in the community. 

For viewing the newly added default badges, head over to your dashboard and navigate to Site Settings -> Gamification -> and go to the Badges tab.

From here, you can click the “Add New Badge” button to add a badge from the huge collection.

You can select a badge and click the Create button to add it.

Click Edit to edit the name, icon, and points of a badge. 

Students obtaining the required points will be awarded the badge you add from here.