
Category: Feature Updates

Boost Student Engagement with EzyCourse's Coin Gifting System

What is it & why you need it

Gamification is one way you can make learning fun for your students. EzyCourse gamification allows you to set points, give awards and badges, and even lets you build a coin system to maximize engagement on your platform.

Previously, students could use coins to buy products from your website. Now, it is possible to gift coins to each other in the community and the social network feed. Both the teachers and the students will be able to send coins as gifts.

This will increase engagement in your site, create a more interactive and rewarding environment, and make the learning experience even more fun for your students.

How it works

With the gamification add-on, you can access everything related to coin gifting. You can gift any amount of coins to any student on your platform. There’s also a coin history option that lets you view all the gifts you sent and received from students.

Students cannot gift any amount of coins as they wish. Rather, you’ll create gift packages from your dashboard that students can choose from when they are gifting coins.

Of course, it is important to understand that students can gift coins, but only if they have enough in their possession. They cannot choose or gift a package that is beyond what is in their hand.

Coins can be gifted in these places:  

  1. For a particular post on the community/for a comment on community posts 

  2. As a reply to comments

  3. In private chats 

  4. On social network posts

How to get started using it

Here’s the step-by-step guide on how to use the coin gifting feature in EzyCourse. 

Step 1: Go to your dashboard. From the side bar click on Add-ons > Gamification. (You only can use this feature if you have already purchased the Gamification and Coin systems add-on.)

Step 2: Let’s see the initial settings. 

Here you have to enable gamification if you want to gift coins. Plus, you can also allow payments with the coins and set how much 1 coin is equivalent to points and how many coins will be equivalent to 1 USD. Students can purchase your products from the coin value.

Step 3: You can gift coins simply by clicking on the ‘Gift Coin’ button and typing the student’s name/email or the teacher’s name/email.

Select student/teacher, and then type how many coins you want to gift, then click on the ‘Gift’ button.

Admins can also check the coin history by clicking on the ‘Coin History’ button. There you can see -  

  • Coin ID 

  • Coin amount (If any particular Coin ID has a positive coin amount, it’ll show green highlights and for a negative coin amount it’ll show red highlights)

  • Coin Type 

  • Creation time 

For example, if an admin gifts any coin, it’ll be deducted from his coin amount. And if a student gets a gift from someone else, you’ll be added as a plus in his coin amount.

Step 4: You can add ‘Coin Packages’ or ‘Gift Packages’.

4.1. Add coin packages by giving a title, coin amount, price, and thumbnail.

4.2. Click on the ‘Add Gift Packages’ button and you’ll find the default gift package like this -

You have two options here -

  • Either select any template and click on the following template (New Update)

  • Click on ‘Create Coins’ and add gift packages like before

Use Default Gift Templates:

It will appear on the gift packages table.

Now you can send gift coins as usual the newly created template will appear in the gift coin modal.

You may also edit any template by clicking on the edit button on any template.

You can edit the title, coins, and thumbnail.

After editing click Add Gift Package.

It will be added to the gift package chart.

And as usual (site owners, students, teachers, site admins, and revenue partners can get and send gifts from those packages).

Add Gift Packages Manually:

Moreover, you can also add gift packages on your own. Click on the ‘Add Gift Packages’ button. Then press the ‘+’ sign on the Create Coins.


Then, fill up all necessary fields and press the Add Gift Package button.

Coin gifting in the community

With this feature update, any community member can now gift coins straight from the community feed. 

It’ll be shown as an option like post reactions, and comments and anyone can click on the ‘Gift Coins’ option and send a gift to which post he/she wants.

From the student’s end:

Students will be notified once they get any coin gifts.

From the student dashboard, a student can view his coin history like the below screenshot. 

Students can view available coins, points to convert to coins, coin amount, type, etc.

Also, the student has the flexibility to buy coins. Just they have to click on the ‘Buy Coins’ button and it’ll take them to the checkout page. They have to select coin packages that were made by the admin and purchase them with a payment method. Thus, they can ‘complete purchase’ and buy coin packages whichever they want.

What’s more, students can see his transaction types-

  1. Purchased: Coins that they have purchased.

  2. Earned: Points they have made by converting to coins.

  3. Used: Coins that they have already used somewhere.

  4. Gifted: Gifted amount of coins to other users.


Coin gifting in comments and reply

Usually, whenever someone gifts coins for a post, it’ll be shown as a comment in the following post like this.

Also one can reply to any specific comments with gift coins like this -

Reply to a comment with gift coins in -

Coin gifting in the private chat

Now, you can gift coins in private chats as well! Let’s see how it works.


From the student end:

Students will get the coins in their chat like this -

The coins will be automatically added to the coin amounts.

Coin gifting in the Social Network Addon

The coin gifting feature is also available on the Social Network add-on. Users can gift coins from the social network feed. 

Let’s see how it works. 

Step 1: Go to the dashboard, then Addons > Social Network.

Step 2: Click on any student’s or admin’s name and you will see the dashboard. You will see a ‘Gift Coins’ button.

Step 3: Select any of the gift items and click on the ‘Send Gift’ button. 

Related: Gamification and Coins System