
Category: Feature Updates

Learning Paths

What is it or why you need it

EzyCourse bundle course feature lets you add more than one courses into a single package and sell them together, all at once. You can drip-feed your courses and implement progressive learning. But, there was no option to drip-feed bundle courses.

Now, you can set progressive learning to your bundle courses. With this feature, you can create your own series of courses, where the students must complete the courses in the bundle sequentially.

You can create a more effective learning path where students can build a strong foundation first before advancing to more complex topics.

How it works

As an admin, you can set the progressive mode for any of your bundle courses from your EzyCourse dashboard. Once the students purchase the bundle course, they’ll have to complete courses sequentially i.e. they must complete the first course in order to get access to the second course, and so on.

Courses sequence are based on the sequence of how you add the courses on your bundle course. First added becomes first unlocked.

How to get started using it

To set the progressive mode, log in to your EzyCourse dashboard and go to the Setting tab inside of a bundle course.

Select the Progressive mode menu from the left sidebar. From here, you can toggle on the mode for this particular bundle course. Don’t forget to click the Save button.

With progressive mode enabled, all the courses under this bundle course will not be available at once. Rather students, after purchasing, will see all the courses locked except for the first one. Once they finish the first course completely then the 2nd course in line will unlock, and so on.

[Note: Remember that the unlocking sequence will be exactly in the order you add the courses to your bundle course.]