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Category: Feature Updates

Mandatory 2FA for Students

What is it & why you need it

EzyCourse ensures security for your content and platform with features like DRM solution, Video Watermarks, student login sessions, and even 2FA authentication.

Now, you can force your students to add the extra layer of security with 2-Factor Authentication. 2FA significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access, ensuring their personal info and course progress are protected.

This feature can help your platform to gain more reputation for being reliable and secure. Besides, your students are more likely to trust and even recommend a platform that prioritizes security.

How it works

As the admin, you’ll have the option to enable the option to force your students to enable the 2FA. Once enabled, students will be prompted to enable the 2FA for their account. Unless they enable it, they will not be able to watch any course material or even explore your website from their account.

For enabling the 2FA, students will have to use any one of the following three authenticator apps:

• Authy: iPhone, Android, Chrome, Linux, OS X, BlackBerry.

• Google Authenticator: iPhone, Android.

• Microsoft Authenticator: Windows Phone, Android.

They can scan the QR code with the authenticator app and enable the 2-Factor Authentication. 

How to get started using it

To force students to enable the 2FA, log in to your EzyCourse dashboard and go to Site Settings -> Global Settings. Here, you’ll find the “Force Two Factor Authentication” option. Enable the toggle button and click the Update button.

Once enabled, students will be prompted to enable the 2FA when they visit your platform. They cannot access anything without enabling 2FA first.

Students will get the QR code which they can scan using any authenticator app mentioned above. After scanning, they’ll get a code on the app which they need to give in order to enable 2FA. 

A confirmation toast message will appear if the 2FA is enabled successfully. 

Your students will need to use the authenticator app and provide the 2FA code every time they are signing in to your platform. 

Once enabled, students will not have the option to disable the 2FA from their dashboard.