
Category: Feature Updates

Export Checkout Statistics & Order History

What is it & why you need it

With EzyCourse, you can manage and keep track of all your orders. You can see several useful information about each and every order such as the price, payment gateway, and delivery status for physical orders.

In addition, our smart checkout statistics feature grabs all the useful data from the product checkout pages in your website. With this feature, you can see who visited a checkout page, conversion rate, who used a payment gateway, etc. 

Now, you can export all these super important and necessary information into a CSV file. This will help you to save these data and quickly find anything you might need. 

How it works 

You’ll be able to download all the data with regards to checkout stats and product orders. All the data will be downloaded in a CSV file.

For orders, you can apply different filters such as time frame, product type, and can even use search fields to only export the searched data.

For checkout stats, you can also apply different filters to export a more specific list. Some of these filters include time frame, different states, etc. You can export from both the “All statistics” data and the “Statistics by product” data.

How to get started using it 

To export orders data, log in to your EzyCourse dashboard and navigate to Deals & Sales -> Orders.

From here, you can click the Export orders data button and all the orders in the page will be exported into a CSV file, and saved on your device.

You can apply any filters that are available on this page and export more specific data.

Once downloaded, you can view the CSV file using any CSV editor or even google sheet.

To export all the checkout stats data, go to Deals & Sales -> Checkout Statistics.

You can click the Export all statistics data button to export everything on the “All statistics” table.

You can also apply the time frame filter which will let you export data in between a certain date. Other notable filters include customer checkout states (completed or entered) and number of data you want to export. 

Similarly, you can scroll down and export data related to checkout stats by products. You can use filters here also.