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Category: Feature Updates

List widget improvements

We're dedicated to continually refining your experience, and we're thrilled to introduce exciting enhancements to our List Widget that will make managing your content even smoother!

? 1. Drag to rearrange:

Effortlessly take control of your content order! We've added a brand-new feature that allows you to drag and rearrange list items as per your preference. Whether it's prioritizing important items or maintaining a specific sequence, the power is in your hands.

? 2. Hide list item icons:

Sometimes, simplicity speaks volumes. To offer you more customization options, we've introduced the ability to hide list item icons. This ensures a clean and streamlined appearance, perfect for when you want to focus solely on your content.

? How to utilise these enhancements? 

  • Login to your EzyCourse dashboard.

  • Open your page with the List widget in the builder or create a new page and add a List widget.

  • Select the List widget to explore the new options available