
Category: Feature Updates

Assignment Approval

What is it & why you need it

EzyCourse simplifies managing your assignments from easily creating assignment lessons to providing useful ways for students to submit. It is also easy to assign points and give feedback to your students directly from the admin dashboard.

Now, we have added an approval system where you can either accept or reject an assignment submission. With this feature, teachers can ensure that students meet the required standards and can reject low-quality submissions, pushing students to meet expectations.

This will also help to encourage and motivate students to submit their best efforts, knowing that low-quality submissions could be rejected. As a teacher, you can save time by not going through the whole process of checking a submission that does not quite meet the standard.

How it works

After a student submits an assignment, it will be in a pending state. You can view the submitted work and can download if any file was attached. When viewing the submission, you can now accept or reject the assignment. Either of the two actions will send a notification and an email to the student.

When in pending state i.e. you have not accepted or rejected the assignment, you can still send a feedback to the student. When rejected, the student will have to re-submit their assignment all over again.

Students can track the state of their submission from the course lesson view.

How to get started using it

To begin, you need to ensure that the auto-approval option is disabled on the assignment lesson settings. To do that, go to Courses -> All courses -> and then click the Edit button on the course. From there, choose the assignment lesson from the curriculum.

On the lesson settings, tick mark the “Disable auto approval” option. Unchecking this option automatically approved all the assignment submissions.

With this setting enabled, students right after submitting their assignment will see the pending status.

You can see the pending status on your dashboard too. Log in to your EzyCourse dashboard and go to Courses -> Assignment Submissions.

Click the View submission button to see the assignment submission and download if any file was attached by the student.

From here, you can accept or reject the assignment submission. 

[Note: Once accepted/rejected, you cannot undo the action anymore.]

The student will be notified whether you accept or reject the assignment.

The assignment status will also be updated on the course lesson view.

Students can choose whether they want to receive notifications/emails for the assignment status updates from the Settings menu, on their dashboard.