
Category: Add-ons

Marketplace User Roles

Running your own marketplace with EzyCourse is pretty straightforward and super easy to get started. With the marketplace, there are different perspectives and user roles, each having their own levels of functionalities.

In this article, we’ll cover the different user roles and how each one serves different purposes in your marketplace.


Since you are the owner, you can control every aspect of the marketplace. The followings are the tasks you can accomplish as the owner. Site admins will have access to these functionalities also.

• Customizing the default marketplace and seller signup pages.

• Using the builder to create your own custom pages for marketplace and seller signup.

• Enabling the marketplace so that it shows product listings on your website.

• Enabling seller signup so that users can sign up as sellers.

• Accessing other marketplace settings such as Best Seller, Auto Seller Approval, etc.

• Giving sellers the access to create and manage different products, coupons, and payment gateways.

• Setting the commissions for each sale made by a seller on the marketplace.

• Approving the products of your sellers so that it shows on the marketplace in your website.

• Approving commissions for each and every sale that happens in the marketplace.

• Paying out the commissions to the sellers.

• Temporarily removing all the products of a seller.

• Permanently deleting a seller and removing all their data.


Users that sign up as sellers can create products of their own and sell in the marketplace. How much access they have completely depends on the admin. Here are some points to know - 

• If you have turned on the “Auto Seller Approval” setting, sellers can sign up without needing your approval. They can fill up the seller signup form to become a seller in your marketplace. If “Auto Seller Approval” is turned off, you’d have to approve each seller's sign up.

• Sellers can log in to your website using their seller account credentials to access their seller dashboard.

• Depending on what products you have given them access to, sellers can create and manage products including courses, communities, digital, and physical products.

• Sellers can view the order details of their sold products and generate invoices from their dashboard.

• They can edit the texts and set their social media ID links that are shown on the seller profile page in the marketplace.

• Depending on whether you have given access, sellers will also be able to create coupons and offer discounts in the marketplace.

• Sellers can set different product accessibilities to their products. Everything will work exactly as it works on your website.

• For products with private accessibility, the purchase request will go to the seller’s dashboard.


Although your primary customers might be the users/students of your platform, anyone even visiting your website can be counted as a potential marketplace customer.

Customers can see the product listings in the marketplace if you have enabled it. For easy access, you can add the marketplace page in your website’s header menu. Any customer can view products, sellers’ profiles, and can order the products from the marketplace.

When purchasing a product, it is important to note that customers will only be able to use the payment gateways that you have enabled for the seller or owner of that particular product. They can also use coupons if the seller has created any.

The marketplace is a big feature that lets you manage a large group of sellers and their products, right from your dashboard. Get the add-on to create your own marketplace.