
Category: Products on EzyCourse

Comments in Videos

How to Enable/Disable Comment Section

You can choose whether to allow users to comment on a video. With comments, it's more interactive and users can send emojis, gifs, and even upload images and videos.

You can set the option when adding a new video to a library. To do that, go to Products & Services -> Video Library -> click the three dots on a library and select the Add video option.

Here, you’ll see the option to allow users to comment on this video. Tick the checkbox to have a comment section for this video. When done, click the Add video button to add a new video with a comment section.

With the comment section enabled, users can now share their opinions and make your video section more interactive.

You can also enable/disable the comment setting from editing the video. To do that, click the three dots on the library and select the View all videos option.

Now, click the three dots on the video and select the Edit option. 

From here, you can enable/disable the comment section. When done, click the Update video button to apply the changes.